Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

i want to be stood like majesty

"When I saw it for the first time, I remember having mixed feelings. It stood there majestic, its upper part hidden in clouds, and the bottom was partly covered by an ending of large mountainous crevasse which we used during our descent to Base Camp. We were separated by the Lake Valley, but it was so close and so enormous it could cover up the whole horizon. For the first time in my life I saw the wall of the Carstensz Pyramid with my own eyes.
The first feeling that I realized was respect – a substantial respect for this unknown but splendid wall. I could clearly feel that it was not fear but „only“ respect. The second more powerful feeling, which I realized in quick succession, was challenge. The wall provoked me. Since the first instant I knew that I had to go to the wall. You know the feeling. Your heart starts beating and you act irrationally. You quicken your pace, although you know that you are too far to grasp it with your own hand. Despite that you want to go as quickly as possible to meet it." (Petr Jahoda – Papua & Crstensz Pyramid guide)

Heinrich Harrer
He was the first man on earth to climb the Carstensz Pyramid in 1962. After he returned he wrote a book called „I am coming from the stone age“. He uttered these words on Papua:
„On Aigera I wanted to test my skills, in Himalayas I got to know loneliness, in Tibet unusual people. On the New Guinea Island I found everything altogether.“ (Heinrich Harrer, Austrian legendary climber)

The Summer

i have never been there, but i'd like to stood with wonders and majesty altogether.

The Summer

Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

Ached for people and place

almost three months and am still ached for everything i experienced with them. the pressure, uncomfortable place, memories ( i have alot, kalo kata agnes, gwe uda seguling dan segulung dengan mereka), food that we ate, rainforest that we crossed in, song that we sang (Top of the world, and SKJ, more)
there's something i never realize till we're apart, , ,

Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

temanku berkata, "aku begitu bersinar ketika di Sempu"

kangen banget sama saat-saat di DAAI. ( walo tadinya, gwe suka sebel banget ma temen-temen disana. tapi ternyata ketika gwe uda ga disana, malah rindu setengah mati.)
kangen banget sama setiap kerjaannya, dimana gwe disebut sebagai wartawan.
gwe yang menghasilkan karya, dalam tulisan ataupun video. gwe berkarya, gwe menghadapi tantangan dan gwe tertantang.

kalo kata EF : "jiwa" lo itu di media, bukan di pabrik.
tapi sekarang gwe di pabrik. i'm stuck here.
memang, gaji lebih gede banyak. gwe bisa cicil rumah dan get married.
tapi gwe kehilangan outdoor. gwe kehilangan bareng temen-temen yang rese.

bingung juga mesti gimana. kalo mau dibilang, sekarang gwe juga hidup dengan senang. punya bos yang cihui dan gaji yang melebihkan gwe. tapi, gwe kangen saat2 dulu.
kangen teramat sangat. tapi mungkin saja, gwe akan merindukan bos gwe dan agnes juga kalo gwe ga di sini lagi.

binguuuuung.. karena i really miss it damn much.

ya ampunnn Tuhan, please take care of these suck feeling. i love job that i used to do. i love people that i used to meet and work with. i love the outdoor that i used to step in to.

gwe jadi inget kata-kata lyvia yang bilang kalo dia jadi gwe, dia akan menikmati jalan-jalan gratis dari sahabat alam. hehe. dan harusnya gwe juga dulu kayak gitu. tapi pada saat dulu, gwe malah menginginkan pekerjaan yang seperti wanita normal lakukan.

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

dear God,
i'm sucks! i dont want to be like this.
need to follow You like i used to be
i feel lost, and You left me, or maybe i'm the one who left You behind
dont want to walk in Your track again
but now i'm desperate and feel like a beggar, smell like a rubbish.

i want my pride as a wise woman again
dont want to be a women who destroy another s life